Stop that thinking right now! Thinking too hard can make you fatter.

Canadian researchers studied students in 3 different ways: while sitting, reading, and doing computer tests. After each activity, the students were taken to a buffet. Turns out you eat more after you've been thinking.

That could explain alot to me. I do tend to think too much. Maybe that is why rednecks aren't fat? Ooo I went there!

The study was pretty useless because your brain uses glucose to fuel itself, so if you been using your brain by thinking, you're using glucose right? Well if you've used glucose then you have to eat to get the glucose balance level again. I only have a high school degree and I figured that out.

If you need any more information, visit
You're as Cold as Ice
17:23 | Author: Eboe
Surprise, surprise! 2009 has started with a bang, and almost literally. Cincinnati has already had its first murder of the year, happening after midnight. Charles Barkley was arrested for suspicion of DUI. Crime is the word today.

What a way to start out a new year. A new leaf. I was drinking, but I wasn't driving. I guess I should have jumped on that train quickly. Except I am not stupid, not a drunker, nor a driver. Maybe I'm the only one thinking.

Every year when the ball drops, it's a way to make a new start for yourself. And starting it in jail, is probably not the best ways. So good work!
Let Me Go Crazy on You
11:50 | Author: Eboe
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to every one who read this blog. It means alot to me so thank you so very much. and Fuck You :D

2008 is ending tonight and it's been a year of ups and downs for me as it has for everyone. I think the big highlight of the year was getting the job that I have kept since March 22. As much heartache as it has caused me {and more}, it has been steady income for me. And through this job, I have met so many great people, and refueled my knowledge in the idiocy of people.

This is the year of my first stitches. The outside scar that will always reminds me of that day in July when I stupidly cut myself while emptying trash.

2008 was also the first election I was able to vote in, and seeing as it was a presidential election, it made it even more special. I feel like because of this, I became more political, and at least a little more knowledgeable about the world and the political world.

I started this blog this year and in its on way, made me more intelligible about politics and the entertainment business. I hope 2009 brings more for me.

Which brings me to some resolutions for 2009. I've never really set aside resolutions and tried to work on them, but maybe this year can change that. I want to start:
  1. Writing more in my blogs
  2. Work more on the relationships and friendships I have
  3. Get my driver's license
  4. Be more frugal
  5. Lose weight
  6. Work harder for school/career in web design
I hope everyone has a wonderful night, please be smart, if you do drink, drink responsibly and don't drive. See you in 2009!
With a Different Meaning
20:37 | Author: Eboe
There are many sequels in the works in the news lately.

Andrew Lloyd
Webber says the sequel to the Phantom of the Opera, called Phantom: Love Never Dies, should be ready for a late 2009 release. He also hopes that the musical could open simultaneously in 3 cities: NY, London, and an Asian city. The setting for the sequel will be moved to NY's Coney Island and 10 years after the original. I fell in love with the 2004 film version and unfortunately I never got to see it in theatre, but I'm excited for this and I hope I get to see it. Little nervous since it's been 23 years since he remade the original.

There's going to be an 8th Police Academy movie! Honestly, the last 3 weren't very good, but I'm hopeful for this one. Everyone {reportedly} will return except for Tackleberry and Feldman, who was in the 4th movie. Producers are even trying to get Kim Cattrall and Sharon Stone back. Now those 2 I can live without, but why not make another Police Academy? Hollywood ain't coming up with anything else halfway original anyway.

A 3rd Meet the Parents movie is in the works. 'Little Fockers' will hopefully have everyone from the first 2 movies. Meet the Fockers wasn't a horribly bad movie, but it wasn't great. Maybe the 3rd movie will round out the series on a good note? It could be good.

Also, casting is in the works for the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Russell Brand may star as Johnny's Depp brother. Why does Disney feel the need to keep making sequels to movies? They're ruining the greatness of the original. I thought 'At World's End' was a great ending for the series. It wrapped up everything from the first 2, so what is the 4th movie going to accomplish? Please, don't make this movie!
I am not here to judge everyone. I do not have that right.

With that said, I was deeply hurt, and slightly offended when I read about this fabricated Holocaust memoir. The fact that anybody would lie about anything to do with the Holocaust cuts deep into my soul. I have read many Holocaust memoirs myself and it is hard not to rethink that maybe something was amiss in those books.

I normally do not even read anything that has Oprah's name attached to it, but this sickened me enough to read it. Now Oprah's been doped before, so I am not surprised by that.

Just for the record: I am not Jewish.

To read the full article, visit Fox News.
Dec. 29 Video of the Week
13:42 | Author: Eboe
Seeing as it is the last Monday of 2008, I thought this video would be fitting.

Jump On It
18:35 | Author: Eboe
Once again, I really want to be a researcher to sit around, earning money, to "discover" information like this.

Young people who skip breakfast tend to lose their virginity earlier.

I am stunned. Truly, I can not gain my breath. Honestly, Japanese doctors look for the most non-obvious things to research. I saw this topic on and just had to read about it. How could anyone skip over this article? But I would like to disagree with this study. I skipped breakfast as a teenager. Alot. And I still have not lost ... that.

Also, the study said they "
looked for ways to curb unwanted pregnancies". I can think of one EXTREMELY obvious answer to that, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out what I'm thinking.

If you would like to read the full article {It is a pretty good little read}, visit