Jan. 10 Video of the Week
22:10 | Author: Eboe
I decided to move my Weekly Video blog to Saturdays. So here's a little funny from Orenfilm

There will be No White Flag
21:54 | Author: Eboe
Good news for those who have an addiction to Tetris like me: playing Tetris can reduce the flashbacks caused by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

British doctors tested PTSD patients, letting them play Tetris for 10 minutes, and found that those patients had fewer flashbacks than those patients who did nothing. With fewer flashbacks, people suffering from PTSD may be able to sleep and concentrate easier. Tetris also showed to not wipe out the memory of the traumatic event, but let the patient make sense of the event, without disturbing them.

A study that is actually useful! I have met many people with PTSD {my uncle being one of them}, so anything that can help them is wonderful.

If you would like more information, visit Fox News.
Hello darkness, my old Friend
20:06 | Author: Eboe
Scientists say that if kids play outside 2/3 hours a day, it would reduce the risk of them becoming near-sighted, thus the need of glasses. "Professor Ian Morgan of the Australian Research Council’s Vision Center said he believes sunlight triggers the release of dopamine, which prevents eyeball from distorting." I was a kid that loved to play outside, and did so most of the day, and I still became near-sighted around the time I turned 6, so maybe this is true, and maybe this just another bored scientist. Read more at Daily Mail.

  • Researchers found that coffee reduces the risk for cancers in the mouth. I'm a bit taken aback by that, but hey, if you can trust anyone with studies about cancer, you can trust the Japanese. Coffee can also ruin your teeth enamel, so take your pick: cancer or enamel?
  • While driving to work today, I heard on the radio, that Hyundai will accept your new car if you lose your job. Yep, if you become unemployed within a year after buying a Hyundai, they will accept it. Better than losing your car due to a repo.
  • How does a baby get thrown out with the trash at a hospital? I'm pretty suspicious of this story, there are a few missing pieces, and frankly I do not believe it. It is pretty despicable. Read more at Fox News.
I was close to writing about orgasms during childbirth, but as this caused me to slightly hurl in my mouth, I decided not to. If that is interesting to you, you can read more at FoxNews.

So instead, I came across an article about Big Hollywood, a blog premiering tomorrow. Its mission is to change the entertainment industry. Andrew Breitbart, wants to return Hollywood to its moral and patriotic roots. I support that.

As Breitbart puts it "
Until conservatives, libertarians and Republicans - who will be the lion’s share of Big Hollywood’s contributors - recognize that (pop) culture is the big prize and that politics is secondary, there will be no victory in this important battle."

So remember to check it out tomorrow yall!
Jan. 5 Video of the Week
18:35 | Author: Eboe
Tribute to good ole bathroom humor.

I'm on the hunt I'm after You
14:05 | Author: Eboe
I had to blog this: who is your favorite teen idol?

I stumbled across the Top 10 Best Teen Idol: Then & Now this afternoon and I thought..which was my favorite as a young girl. I happened to be obsessed with Backstreet Boys..but teen idol?

Well, the list goes:

10 Donny Osmond9 Duran Duran8 Joey Lawrence7 Hanson6 Scott Baio
5 Johnny Depp4 David Cassidy3 John Travolta 2 Davy Jones1 Shaun Cassidy

My 3rd mother, Shelly, adores Shaun Cassidy so I know she's happy with that. I would say mine is Johnny Depp.

Read more you can find the article at Foxnews.com
Waiting for the Downfall
00:43 | Author: Eboe
A man in New Orleans decided instead of paying child support, he would kill the child. I use the word 'man' lightly.

22 year old Danny Platt was ordered to pay child support of his 2 and 1/2 year old son,
Ja' Shawn Powell. But rather than be responsible, he vowed death to the mother or his own child. On Friday, he picked the boy up {his first time visiting with him}, then told police the boy was kidnapped while he was taking care of him.

Later on, he confessed to police and told them where the boy's body was.

This is sick, surprising, no, but I am utterly disgusted. I'm at a loss for words at how this thought could enter someone's mind. Let alone, commit it.