I'm the King of Cellulite. Ham On!
22:23 | Author: Eboe
Hey guess what! There is no magic pill! None of the "diet" pills can substitute that of a diet and exercise plan. I'm so shocked by this, I about had a heart attack. Oh, that could be because I ate White Castle. I apologize.

If you want to lose weight, then you have to change your eating habits and exercise. Well, that or the knife. But even then, if you lipo or gastro bypass...it still won't solve everything. If you don't do the work, then you're not going to succeed. It sucks ass not being one of the few that can discipline themselves to eat healthy, and especially not being one that can eat the fattest food and not gain a pound. I know, I've wanted to punch those myself.

Plus, some of those pills and methods can kill you. So just be smart and do the work. Or be fat. Whatever works for you. For more info on these findings: Fox News.

I just started reading The Choice by Nicholas Sparks today and so far it is good. Like all his books.
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On 04 April, 2010 11:26 , Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

losing weight is a bitch!! I've been working on it myself for about 2.5 years now. I'm happy to say that I'm down about 70 lbs!! I still have a TON to go - sucks. BTDT on the pills, even the dangerous ones. They worked pretty good actually. Anyway I just wanted to say that I agree that losing weigh and exercise & all that shit sucks. Wish there was an easier way. Now I'm off to eat my daughters easter candy. Self control, what self control LOL